Irelands longest running, environmental series is now in production for its 15th season. One of the most popular television shows on Irish television and for over 100 episodes, we have examined environmental issues both home and abroad.
Hosted by architect and environmentalist Duncan Stewart, Ecologist; Anja Murray and Dr Lara Dungan, this Irish series casts an eye over all aspects of the Irish and broader environment.
Climate Change, Bio-diversity, Natural Capital, the Circular economy are some of the recurring themes but the show also deals with a variety of topics revolving around our our interaction as people with our natural surroundings.
Eco Eye series 15 (2017)
Eco Eye Series 14 (2016)
Eco Eye Series 13 (2015)
Eco Eye Series 12 (2014)
Eco Eye Series 11 (2013)
Please how do l access the first programme of the series ..on climate change…the rising water levels etc
Thank you
Ronnie Owens
Hi Ronnie,
Sorry for the delay in responding, the first episode should be available here
If theres any problems with that, the direct youtube link is here
BTW We’re doing a follow up show on flooding tonight, its focusing more on Ireland and the work of scientists and the OPW here. It son RTE1 at 7pm tonight but will then be available online shortly after at
Eco Eye
Company: Voxpro
Project: voxgrow
About: A while ago Voxpro launched the Innovation Project, giving employees the opportunity to present to senior management any idea they had. My idea was for the company to provide land where employees can grow their own fresh, organic, delicious fruit and veg for themselves and their family free of charge. I was asked to test the idea first on an allotment scale and they have been delighted with the results! We are hopefully soon going to roll out the idea to their main Mahon office then hopefully other offices around the world as they expand. I really believe that not just government, but also individuals and companies need to play a role in helping to provide alternative ways of growing food in and around big city’s like Cork. It would be amazing if you could follow our project and bring some media attention to it that will hopefully inspire other large organisations to follow suit.
Kind Regards
Hi Duncan love your show on global warming
But I wish the solid fuel companies would encourage us to use smokeless fuel they should make it cheaper for smokeless and not the other way round
Would it be possible to contact Duncan Stewart for advice on external wall insulation ?
As vice chair of South Dublin Protect our Parks I would like to write to Duncan Stuart on behalf of the group.
The group was formed just over a year ago ,in response to the ever increasing concerts and 3 day Longitude Festival in Marlay Park, Rathfarnham.
We would be very grateful if you could send us contact details for Duncan .
Kind regards
Hi Mary,
Apologies this is so late but your message got blocked by the sites spam software.
Duncan can be contacted at
Eco Eye
Wondered what the beautiful piano piece is called that was on tonight’s Eco Eye …jan 31st…coastal erosion with Lara ?
Hi Patrick,
Not sure but will check with the editors to see if they remember. Everyones on leave at the moment but will check with them when theyre back.
We cannot, cannot leave these mechanical harvesters into our shores, please, please people if Ireland we must stop this
I enjoy watching your Eco Eye programme. I would however like to point out to the presenters and producers that the bin colours are different in different counties and the colours referred to in the programme may lead to people putting incorrect rubbish in their bins.
My bins are Blue for recyclable hard plastic, metals and clean cardboard and paper, Brown for garden and food waste and Green for all other rubbish which is not hazardous and not recyclable (bottles and batteries and aerosols paints etc go to our local centre for disposal of course).
Please take this into account in future programmes so us country folk won’t feel left out
Perhaps the department of the environment could be made aware of the anomalies and bring in a Nationwide system. Duncan could bring this up in a future programme if possible.
Hi Marguerite,
Thanks for your comment. Your point is well made and the system most likely needs to be standardised across the country which is something we could definitely look into in future episodes.
Hope you dont feel too left out, although this episode was mainly Dublin centred we do try to look at the entire country with our episodes and will certainly be exploring issues all around Ireland in future ones.
Thanks for your comment and hope you enjoyed the series.
Kind regards
Eco Eye
Good project. Very motivated. May i share your project?
Just watched your latest EcoEye episode on ‘Active Transport’ with Dr. Lara Dungan. I thought that she and the ecoeye team would have insisted on setting an example of safety during filming : No bike helmet or high vis jacket cycling through Dublin city centre- no wonder the truck didn’t see her. Most of the filming of cyclists in the programme was of people without cycling safety gear and some breaking rules of the road.
Even in her own workplace she was filmed walking upstairs staring at her phone and not holding the handrail.
Only children wearing high vis jackets on their treasure hunt- Teachers and parents should have been setting the example. Makes kids think that they don’t need to think about safety when they are adults. Even the final shot of Dr. Dungan was her standing in the middle of a bike only lane in Clontarf and nearly getting knocked down by a fast cyclist. I know in past episodes of Ecoeye I always saw Duncan Stewart in safe gear and helmets etc. Disappointed to see a lack of safety awareness by the EcoEye team when trying to set an example to the public.
Hi Des,
We’ve had a number of comments in relation to this and like all the others we appreciate your concerns, take them very seriously and do our best to respond to all. The answer below is one we sent to a very similar comment that hopefully explains our position on cycling helmets. In regards to clothing however, its difficult to see how the presenter could have been wearing brighter clothes in that piece, and how the lack of a helmet would have been the reason the driver didn’t see her and thats assuming that driver didnt see her. It seems that the initial response in these situations is to blame the cyclist regardless of the driving. We had so much material for this episode that we had to upload (and continue to do so) several videos to youtube but one in particular might be of interest, it shows a cyclist wearing a high viz and a helmet, getting knocked down by a truck in that very same part of Dublin in the middle of a sunny afternoon and this truck was only metres behind the cyclist . Our full response is below and as this debate is an ongoing one and one we will revisit often, we welcome comments like yours
Kind regards
Eco Eye
Re: Cycling Helmets
Thanks for your comment. This is an issue that we constantly monitor and review and one that is and has been debated for some time.
While helmets are recommended by some and obviously for children, there is a growing body of evidence that suggest not only that they offer little or no protection to cyclists but also that they may in fact increase the danger to cyclists. This is not to say they are of no use in all circumstances but rather that there is more to this than what some media commentators seem to think.
One of the main findings is that they (the helmets) give other road users the perception that the cyclist is safe, that they are protected and in some way insulated from injury. Studies have shown that this perception then gives rise to more aggressive and risky driving in and around cyclists.
There is no helmet that will protect a cyclist from a small 1 ton car, let alone several tonnes of bus or truck, the deaths in Ireland (up 50% last year ) are people being crushed and run over.
While this debate is far from over, there seems to be a narrative that if a cyclist not wearing a helmet that they are somehow responsible for being run over, which is patently untrue.
As we said above, this debate is far from over and we welcome comments such as yours and are always reviewing issues like these. However there is a section of the media that is focussed on blaming cyclists and quick to ask ‘was that cyclist wearing a helmet?’ Instead of asking; ‘What was that driver doing when they ran down that cyclist?’ Unfortunately this attitude in the media can be equated to victim blaming.
If you’re interested in research on the effectiveness of helmets I can recommend a good article in the British Medical Journal.
While we believe that helmets should be worn in competitive high speed and downhill cycling, there is no good evidence to suggest that helmets make commuter cycling statistically safer.
Or other perspectives on the issue here.
Until there is more evidence on either side of this , Eco Eye remain pro-choice on helmets (for adults engaged in commuter cycling).
Eco Eye
I watched “Active Travel” episode last Tuesday and I was really impressed by how the design of our roads can impact our life style and also our health.
I live beside a lovely stretch of the Royal Canal, which could be much more walkers / cyclists friendly.
I’d like to push for a better path.
Would you be able to help me?
Dear Duncan.
I have just been watching your program The air we breathe.
It prompted me contact you about an issue that has troubled me for some time.
It relates to vehicle emissions.In particular the discharge from D.O.E. and N.C.T. centers which
affect the area in which they are located.
Each vehicle presented for emission test has its engine purged for maximum discharge.This discharge is then expelled via a pipe through the roof of the center, there is no means of entrapment or dispersal of the discharge so the contamination drifts down on the local area.
A lot of these centers are located in built up areas,one in particular Deans Grange located between a housing estate and a child’s school.With over 1.5 million vehicles being tested in N.C.T. centers every year, plus commercial D.O.E.tests that is a lot of local contamination. If you care to see this contamination first hand,pay a visit to Northpoint 1 N.C.T.
in Ballymun and witness the waterborne soot running down the outside walls.
It really makes you wonder if in some ways these tests are really doing more harm than good.
Yours Faithfully